Theme and Scope
Doctoral Seminar
Young Scholars Workshop
Publishing Workshop
Best Paper Awards
Special Sessions and Workshops
Important Dates
Keynote Speakers
Final Programme
Opening Cerimony Programme
Closing Cerimony Programme
Instructions for Paper Presentation at EurOMA2014
EurOMA 2014 Full Papers
Theme and Scope
This year the European Commission is launching Horizon 2020, the new Framework Program for Research and Innovation. The operations management scientific community is called to put a lot of attention on its contribution to innovation and on its role and value in an innovation economy. For this reason, this year the Conference theme is: Operations Management in an Innovation Economy.
According to innovation economists what primarily drives economic growth in today’s knowledge-based economy is not capital accumulation but innovative capacity spurred by appropriable knowledge and technological externalities. Economics growth in innovation economics is the end-product of knowledge, R&D expenditures, licenses, technological spillovers and externalities between collaborative firms, i.e. networks of innovation. We also witness the rise of supply chains of innovation. As the global economy is more and more driven by knowledge and innovation, companies are confronted with new operational questions and issues. When firms do not explicitly acknowledge and manage their operations as a concurrent activity to the management of innovation, they often encounter problems late in product development, or with manufacturing launch, logistical support, quality control, and production costs. As such, innovation process and operations management should be coordinated, rather than being viewed as separate sets of decisions and activities.
We strongly believe that OM plays a significant role in Innovation Economy. The topics below capture the scope of the conference theme.
- Behavioural Operations
- Capacity Planning and Control
- E-business and Operations
- Empirical Modelling and Simulation
- Empirical Research in Operations Management
- Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing
- Healthcare Operations Management
- Humanitarian Operations and Crisis
- Innovation, Product and Service Development
- Information Systems in Operations
- Inventory Management
- Lean and Agile Operations
- Logistics Management and Physical Distribution
- Managing Change in Operations
- Managing Inter-firm Relationships in Supply Chains
- Managing the Operations Interface within Organisations
- Mass Customization
- Negotiations, contracts and conflicts in decentralized supply networks
- Next generation operations
- Operations Innovation
- Operations Management in Regional Economies
- Operations in the Public Sector
- Operations Planning, Scheduling and Control
- Operations Risk Management and Resilience
- Operations Strategy
- Performance Measurement and Management
- Plant Location, Design and Layout
- Project Management
- Purchasing and Procurement
- Reliability and Maintenance
- Retail Operations
- Revenue Management in Operations
- Sales & Operation Planning
- Service Operations Management
- Servitization
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply Network Design
- Sustainability in Operations and Logistics (including Social and Environmental aspects)
- Teaching and Learning in Operations Management (incl. Cases, Games and Simulations)
- Technology Management in Operations
- Total Quality Management, Kaizen and Six Sigma
Organizing Committee
The conference organisation will be coordinated by the Operations Management researchers of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo. The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is a consolidated cultural, scientific and teaching presence in central-western Sicily. It consists of 12 Faculties and 21 Departments which cover the most important domains of contemporary scientific and technological knowledge. About 130 courses (bachelor and master courses) are offered yearly together with 90 PhD courses which aim to train specific professional figures, often in cooperation with external institutions and companies . This globally means a community of more than 50,000 students.
The Organizing Committee of the 21st EurOMA Conference consists of:
- Giovanni Perrone, University of Palermo (Conference Chair).
- Manfredi Bruccoleri, University of Palermo (Conference Vice-Chair).
- Giuseppe Aiello, University of Palermo
- Mario Enea, University of Palermo
- Umberto La Commare, University of Palermo
- Giovanna Lo Nigro, University of Palermo
- Erica Mazzola, University of Palermo
- Paolo Roma, University of Palermo
- Alessandro Ancarani, University of Catania
Scientific Committee
Last name |
First name |
Affiliation/University |
Acur | Nuran | University of Strathclyde |
Adamides | Emmanuel | University of Patras |
Åhlström | Pär | Stockholm School of Economics |
Ambrose | Eamonn | UCD |
Ankarani | Alessandro | University of Catania |
Ashayeri | Jalal | Tilburg University |
Benedettini | Ornella | University of Cambridge |
Bengtsson | Lars | University of Gävle |
Betts | Teresa | Murray State University |
Bhakoo | Vikram | University of Melbourne |
Bititci | Umit | University of Strathclyde |
Boer | Harry | Aalborg University |
Brandon-Jones | Alistair | Manchester Business School |
Brennan | Louis | Trinity College |
Bruccoleri | Manfredi | University of Palermo |
Cagliano | Raffaella | Politecnico di Milano |
Caniato | Federico | Politecnico di Milano |
Cannella | Salvatore | Technical University of Lisbon |
Chaudhuri | Atanu | Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow |
Childerhouse | Paul | Massey |
Clegg | Ben | Aston University |
Coughlan | Paul | TCD |
Danese | Pamela | University of Padova |
De Leeuw | Sander | VU University Amsterdam |
Deflorin | Patricia | University of Zurich |
Demeter | Krisztina | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Disney | Stephen | Cardiff University |
Doran | Des | University of Sussex |
Dukovska-Popovska | Iskra | Aalborg University |
Fabbe-Costes | Nathalie | Cret-Log- Aix-Marseille University |
Farooq | Sami | Aalborg University |
Ferdows | Kasra | Georgetown University |
Filippini | Roberto | University of Padova |
Forza | Cipriano | University of Padova |
Framinan | José Manuel | University of Seville |
Fransoo | Jan | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Fynes | Brian | UCD |
Garavelli | Claudio | Politecnico di Bari |
Giannoccaro | Ilaria | Politecnico di Bari |
Gimenez | Cristina | ESADE Business School |
Gobbi | Chiara | Copenhagen Business School |
Godsell | Janet | Cranfield |
Golini | Ruggero | Università degli Studi di Bergamo |
Größler | Andreas | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Hargaden | Vincent | University College Dublin |
Heaslip | Graham | National University of Ireland Maynooth |
Hendry | Linda | Lancaster University |
Holmström | Jan | Aalto University |
Holweg | Matthias | Cambridge |
Hsuan | Juliana | Copenhagen Business School |
Humphreys | Paul | University of Ulster |
Jayaram | Jayanth | University of South Carolina |
Jenei | István | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Johansson | Mats | Chalmers |
Jonsson | Patrik | Chalmers University of Technology |
Kalchschmidt | Matteo | Università degli Studi di Bergamo |
Karlsson | Christer | Copenhagen Business School |
Keegan | Richard | Trinity College Dublin |
Klassen | Robert | Western University |
Koulikoff-Souviron | Marie | Skema Business School |
Kumar | Maneesh | Cardiff University |
Lawson | Benn | University of Cambridge |
Lewis | Michael | University of Bath |
Longoni | Annachiara | Politecnico di Milano |
MacBryde | Jill | Strathclyde Business School |
MacCarthy | Bart | University of Notthingham |
Machuca | Jose A.D. | University of Seville |
Marshall | Donna | University College Dublin |
Maylor | Harvey | Cranfield University |
McAdam | Rodney | University of Ulster |
McIvor | Ronan | University of Ulster |
Mendibil | Kepa | University of Strathclyde |
Miemczyk | Joe | Audencia Nantes |
Nassinbeni | Guido | Università degli Studi di Udine |
Neely | Andy | University of Cambridge |
New | Steve | Oxford University |
O'Reilly | Seamus | UCC - University College Cork |
Olhager | Jan | Lund University |
Pagell | Mark | University College Dublin |
Palcic | Iztok | University of Maribor |
Perrone | Giovanni | University of Palermo |
Pires | Silvio | Methodist University of Piracicaba |
Platts | Ken | Cambridge |
Power | Damien | The University of Melbourne |
Prester | Jasna | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Bussiness and Economics |
Radnor | Zoe | Loughborough University |
Ramanathan | Usha | University of Bedfordshire |
Reiner | Gerald | University of Neuchâtel |
Ribera | Jaume | IESE Business School |
Roden | Sinéad | University of Bath |
Romano | Pietro | University of Udine, |
Rudberg | Martin | Linköping University |
Salgado-Pinto | Sofia | Catholic University of Portugal |
Scavarda | Annibal | Unisinos - University of the Sinos Valley |
Scherrer | Maike | Universityof St. Gallen |
Scholten | Kirstin | University of Groningen |
Selviaridis | Kostas | Lund University |
Seuring | Stefan | University of Kassel |
Sheu | Chwen | Kansas State University |
Singh | Prakash | University of Melbourne |
Slepniov | Dmitrij | Aalborg University, Center for Industrial Production |
Sousa | Rui | Catholic University of Portugal (Porto) |
Spina | Gianluca | Politecnico di Milano |
Spring | Martin | Lancaster University Management School |
Squire | Brian | University of Bath |
Steenhuis | Harm-Jan | Eastern Washington University |
Stevenson | Mark | Lancaster University |
Stratton | Roy | Nottingham Trent University |
Strohhecker | Jürgen | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management |
Tang | Chris | UCLA |
Taylor | Margaret | University of Bradford |
Taylor | Andrew | University of Bradford |
Thorstenson | Anders | Aarhus University |
Van der Vaart | Taco | University of Groningen |
Van Donk | Dirk Pieter | University of Groningen |
Vanpoucke | Evelyne | Maastricht University |
Vereecke | Ann | Vlerick Business School |
Vinelli | Andrea | University of Padova |
Vos | Bart | Tilburg University |
Voss | Chris | Wawick Business School |
Waehrens | Brian | Aalborg University |
Walker | Helen | Cardiff University |
Wänström | Carl | Chalmers University of Technology |
Wemmerlov | Urban | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Wiengarten | Frank | ESADE |
Wong | Chee Yew | Leeds University Business School |
Wynstra | Finn | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University |
Doctoral Seminar
Location and dates
Complesso Polididattico, Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 19, Palermo
20-21 June 2014.
Professor Pär Åhlström, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Professor Harry Boer, Aalborg University, Denmark
Professor Raffaella Cagliano, Politechnico di Milano, Italy
Professor Cipriano Forza, University of Padova, Italy
Professor Brian Fynes, University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Erica Mazzola, University of Palermo, Italy
Professor Zoe Radnor, Loughborough University, UK
Dr. Sinead Roden, Cass Business School, UK
Professor Rui Sousa, Catholic University of Portugal (Porto)
Dr. Taco van der Vaart, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Programme: Professor Pär Åhlström, Department of Management and Organization, Stockholm School of Economics email: par.ahlstrom@hhs.se
Young Scholars Workshop
Targeted at young academics in general and alumni of the EurOMA Doctoral Seminar in particular, the EurOMA Young Scholars Workshop is conceived as a way to support the career development of young scholars in the field of operations management (OM) by teaching and sharing with them major skills needed in an academic career. Important skills are related to the following subjects:
- Supervising MSc and PhD students.
- Teaching OM to MSc and MBA students.
- Designing and developing research projects in Operations Management – From concept to publication.
- Developing your career – managing your way through academia.
- Developing theoretically rigorous and managerially relevant OM research.
Each year one of the above subjects is developed on a rolling base. 2014 is the year of the “Developing theoretically rigorous and managerially relevant OM research”. At the same time, the initiative is aimed at developing the community of young OM scholars, keeping the network alive and providing opportunities to meet and discuss relevant topics.
The theme and program of the 2014 workshop is “Operations management – research and practice”.
Operations management as a scientific discipline has always struggled with the practical relevance and impact of its research. At the same time, there is no doubt that OM concepts, systems and practices have huge impact on the performance of production companies, service providers and public organizations. However, how good are these concepts, systems and practices and/or their implementation actually? To what extent is the practical impact of OM a reflection of robust theory development or is there still a lot of scope for improvement? How useful and usable are the results of single or multiple cases studies and collaborative research projects beyond the boundaries of the firm(s) involved, and what can be done to increase their generalizability? How useful and usable are the results of survey-based quantitative studies?
Addressing these and similar questions, the workshop features presentations from OM scholars and practitioners who have been involved in OM research and will share their experience, views and ideas on questions and topics such as:
- How to increase the usefulness and usability of OM research?
- Designing, conducting and publishing collaborative research.
- Taking theory to practice – taking practice to research.
Of course there will be ample opportunities for networking, one of the key overall objectives of the Young Scholars Workshops.
Instructor's bios
- Currently a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy at Warwick University, Janet Godsell joined the faculty of Cranfield University in 2001, following the completion of her Executive MBA there. She also completed her PhD at Cranfield, researching the development of a customer responsive supply chain. Prior to her return to academia, worked at ICI/Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, after which she held senior management positions in Supply Chain and Operations Management at Dyson, responsible for operational and process improvements within R&D, customer logistics, purchasing and manufacturing.
- Paul Coughlan is Professor of Operations Management and Director of Research at the School of Business, Trinity College Dublin. Following an early career in engineering management he became a university lecturer and then a full-time doctoral student at the Business School of the University of Western Ontario (now the Ivey School). On graduation, he joined the faculty of the London Business School. From LBS he moved to join Trinity’s School of Business and has developed his research and teaching in operations management and new product development. His research in product development and continuous improvement has encompassed an innovative action research dimension involving companies engaged in action learning. This work has led to continuing methodology development and to specialized doctoral training in action research and learning through the EIASM doctoral network.
- Domien Draaijer did a PhD in Operations Management and stayed at university for a while before he joined NXP Semiconductors, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (formerly Philips Semiconductors), where he is a member of the management team of waferfab ICN8, and responsible for Quality & Business Partnership.
Professor Harry Boer, Center for Industrial Production, Aalborg University.
E-mail: hboer@business.aau.dk
7th EurOMA Workshop on Journal Publishing in Operations Management
The Workshop on Journal Publishing in Operations Management is specially indicated for faculty in the field of Operations Management (OM), who wish to increase the quality of their publications in recognised international academic journals in the field.
The Publishing Workshop process has three specific steps:
- Writing
The Publishing Workshop process starts with an EurOMA conference abstract which has been accepted for the main conference programme and also for the Publishing Workshop. Following acceptance, each participant will develop the abstract into a conference paper. This paper forms the basis for participation in the Publishing Workshop. In the workshop, each paper will be allocated to a reviewer or journal editorial board member as Discussant, who will comment on the content and clarity of presentation of the ideas. - Overview of the submission and review process
The workshop will start with a session with reviewers and members of the editorial boards, where participants will be briefed on the editorial policy, publication process and strategies for submission. - Small Group Discussions
Discussion of each paper will follow, in small group sessions. These sessions will enable participants to obtain feedback on their papers from the reviewers and editorial board members, as well as from other Workshop participants in the same track. The suggestions for further development will allow authors to identify the key steps to bring the paper up to publication standards. There is, of course, no certainty of subsequent publication as a result of the participation in the Workshop since the journals’ blind review is the only process that leads to the acceptance of a paper for publication.
Publishing Workshop Organising Committee
Cipriano Forza
Università di Padova, Vicenza, Italy
Cristina Gimenez
ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Juliana Hsuan
Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Marie Koulikoff-Souviron
SKEMA Business School, Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Christopher Voss
London Business School, London, UK
Juliana Hsuan
Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
email: jh.om@cbs.dk
Cristina Gimenez
ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
email: cristina.gimenez@esade.edu
Best Paper Awards
All papers submitted for an award should meet the criteria of superior scientific methodological quality and superior writing style.
The Chris Voss Best Paper Award
The Chris Voss Best Paper Award, established in 2002, is granted to the best paper presented at the conference. Since 2004, the award is supported by Emerald, publisher of the International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
Papers will be judged on their contribution towards the advancement of theory and practice of Operations Management. The winner of the best conference paper will receive a money prize and a framed certificate; up to two runners-up will receive framed certificates. All prizes will be announced and handed over during the closing session of the conference, during the Awards Presentation.
The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award
The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award, established in 2009, is granted to the best paper presented at the conference authored by a PhD student. The award is supported by Emerald, publisher of the International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
Papers will be judged on their contribution towards the advancement of theory and practice of Operations Management. The winner of the best student paper will receive a money prize and a framed certificate; up to two runners-up will receive framed certificates. All prizes will be announced and handed over during the closing session of the conference, during the Awards Presentation. In addition, all finalists will be awarded a complimentary conference registration voucher for the following year.
Special Sessions and Workshops
We are happy to announce that the following special sessions and workshop will nicely enrich the EurOMA 2014 scientific program. Their schedule will be updated soon.
Click on the titles below to see details.
SPECIAL SESSION: Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation
Chair: Nuran Acur
Description: One of the key ways that organization can develop enhanced products and services in a volatile and rapidly changing global market is through innovation. Innovation has become an important operations competence for organization to overcome the challenges of today’s innovation landscape. What can be learned by investigating the interface between operations management and innovation? The objective of this special session is to provide a forum for operations management scholars to engage in this important dialogue on operations/supply chain management and innovation and to contribute to the development of cumulative knowledge in this pivotal area. Accordingly, we encourage conceptual and empirical contributions from a innovation, operations, supply chain management scholars dealing with the following topics and challenges (the list is non-exhaustive):
1. How does an organization develop innovation in operations and supply chain?
2. How does an organization implement innovation and build a good innovation network?
3. How could an organization balance the innovation and sustainability in complex global supply chains?
4. How should organizational culture and structure be developed to successfully manage innovation in operations and supply chain?
5. What are the new innovation trends in operations and supply chain?
6. What are the innovative Supply Chain Management practices?
7. How could organization’s supply chain network enhance organization’s innovation performance?
CRO-1: Exploring the operational implementation of the "ambidextrous organization" through collaborative crowdsourcing technologies by Matthew Mount and Garcia Marian
CRO-2: Connecting with the Crowd- An SME approach to crowdsourcing and open, by Anderson Robert W., Niran Acur, Jonathan Corney
Managing the knowledge supply for open innovation - on the interplay of firms' knowledge systems and business models, by Mats Magnusson
SPECIAL SESSION: OM Research in Fashion Industry
Chair: Federico Caniato (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Pamela Danese (University of Padova, Italy)
Description: Fashion is a broad term that typically encompasses any product or market where style, as an ephemeral key element, is present and relevant. Over the years, fashion industry has received considerable attention in the OM literature and, as a cross-sector concept, it has been considered from different angles. Several distinctive characteristics in this sector (e.g. short product life cycles, tremendous product variety, craftsmanship skills, and purchasing behaviours based on intangible assets) as well as significant changes occurred in the sector in the last years (e.g. the removal of the multi-fibre agreement in 2005, the economic crisis of 2008 and the growing relevance of BRIC markets) made OM research in this field compelling. In this context, topics of interest and open issues concern supply network strategies pursued by fashion companies, production location strategies, the role of e-commerce, global distribution, the use of ICTs for managing global networks, and environmental and social sustainability, to cite just a few points. The aim of this Special Session is to enliven the debate and the discussion on some relevant issues of OM in the fashion industry, through a panel of experts who will propose significant discussion points and interesting suggestions for future research.
Introduction by Federico Caniato and Pamela Danese: Research streams and practical implications of OM research in the fashion industry
- Presentation of full papers:
FAS-1: From process design to service design: a case study from the fashion retailing sector by Cláudia Pereira, Ana Cristina Barros, Lia Patrício, Paula Gomes, Rui Rebelo
FAS-2: Supply chain sustainability in the fashion industry: an exploratory study, by Alessandro Da Giau, Laura Macchion
, Romeo Bandinelli, Federico Caniato
, Maria Caridi
, Pamela Danese
, Rinaldo Rinaldi, Andrea Vinelli
Panel debate: Discussion on OM relevant issues in the fashion industry with Prof. Bartholomew MacCarthy and Prof. Neil Towers as panelists
SPECIAL SESSION: New Supply Chains - Research Opportunities and Challenges
Chairs: Bart MacCarthy, Nottingham University Business School, UK. Constantin Blome, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Panellists: Jan Olhager, Lund Univerity, Sweden. Mark Pagell, University College Dublin, Ireland. Rachna Shah, University of Minnesota, US. Xiande Zhao, CEIBS, Shanghai, and South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China.
Overview: Supply chains are not static – they evolve both in terms of configuration and coordination. They also decline and die when demand is no longer sufficient to drive the chain. Here we consider new supply chains in the broadest sense – those that are emerging or will emerge and those that are evolving.
For instance:
- Changes taking place in the automotive sector with new vehicle technologies, new materials, new centres of manufacturing production and changing markets will have significant effects, requiring new supply network configurations and new supply strategies.
- The supply chains for wind energy onshore and offshore are in an early stage of development.
- In a number of sectors reshoring or repatriation of production will change supply chain configuration and evolution.
- Continuous reinventing of supply chains through contract manufacturing and country hopping, along with the wider issues of segmentation and regionalization.
- ICT enabled and virtual supply chains, including new supply chain models based on Internet platforms and new service supply chains driven by the advancements in the digital economy.
- The move towards more local production creating requirements for new and different supply chains.
- The evolution of supply chains for pharma products to less developed countries.
- The supply implications of complying with the chain of custody and legislative requirements.
The panel discussion will address research opportunities and challenges in the formation of new supply chains that have not been extensively covered in research as well as the concept of “renewing” supply chains and the continuing emphasis on sustainability, knowledge and learning. The panel will interpret ‘new’ liberally and consider the impact of the changing supply chain world on the research discipline, debating the research opportunities and challenges in this domain, including methodology.
SPECIAL SESSION: Operations as Practice - Linking OM research and practice
Chair: Chris Voss
Panellists: Pietro Micheli, Mark Johnson, Nigel Slack, Chris Voss (Warwick Business School), Matthias Holweg (Said Business School)
Introduction: The relationship between research and practice has always been high on the agenda in Operations Management (OM). However, the perceived closeness to practice has been criticized by OM scholars and by researchers from other management disciplines as a sign of limited theoretical grounding and contribution. At the same time, there are increasing worries that OM research today is not as close to practice as we tend to think (de-Margerie and Jiang, 2011). For example, the almost compulsory implications for practitioners in OM papers may not actually reflect their applicability.
This session goes to the heart of this debate by investigating three main perspectives. A first, traditional and important one is that of 'rigour vs. relevance'. This raises the question as to whether there is a trade-off, and if not, how can we undertake rigorous research that contributes to practice? A second perspective is whether we should be researching how OM is actually practiced? A final perspective is that of research approach. At its simplest, research approach has been portrayed as empiricists versus modellers; however, as MacCarthy et al. (2013) point out, there is empirical research that has little relevance to practice and some modelling work has had high practical impact. The second and third perspectives are further detailed below.
Operations Management 'as practice'
The increasingly popular 'strategy-as-practice' (SAP) movement (see Vaara and Whittington, 2012 for a review) could inform the debate on linking OM research to practice. During this panel discussion, we will explore three fundamental concepts in SAP which could be adapted to OM:
- Praxis: the activities involved in OM, and the ways in which actors are enabled by organizational and wider social practices in their decisions and actions
- Practices: OM concepts, tools, norms and procedures, and how they are used to support actions in fields or domains of 'praxis'
- Practitioners: actors involved in OM, who carry out 'practices' (not necessarily OM professionals).
Arguably, whilst OM has been very active in developing ‘practices’, there has been little research on OM 'praxis'. For example, whether and how practices are actually used (and therefore support OM 'praxis') versus how they are designed to be used is somewhat neglected. We also understand little about OM practitioners.
How we research(1)
Another important perspective on the 'research – practice' debate concerns research methodology. Every area in management studies has debated the appropriateness and suitability of different methodologies. In OM and elsewhere, while empirical research is surely welcome, it is not a necessary, let alone sufficient, condition for impactful studies. Too often we see a survey of a trivial area, a case-based study where the measures are so macro as to be far from the reality of practice or a model of a very narrow problem - none of which have the potential to influence practice, no matter how rigorous the method or elegant the solution. Editors and reviewers of all leading journals do their best to prevent this, but it still happens too much. One way of addressing this is to develop research approaches that are not driven by "gaps in the literature", but by the need for knowledge in practice as well as theory, through a process of problematization, aimed to address relevant contemporary questions and questions for the future. To some extent, this is not new to OM. For example almost everything that is worthwhile about JIT and lean production has come from empirical, in particular qualitative, research. On the other hand almost everything that is worthwhile in revenue management has come from modelling and optimization methods. The development of areas such as supply chain management and performance management has been possible through the use of both types of approaches, and is increasingly influenced by behavioural OM. While methodological pluralism should be welcome in OM, what are the questions we should be asking, and how, then, should we go about addressing them?
This panel discussion has three main aims:
1- To explore ways to bring OM research closer to practice;
2- To provide different perspectives (also looking at various sub-fields within OM) on the 'rigour – relevance' debate, and investigate different methodological approaches, and;
3- To foster research that is relevant to practice by gaining a deeper understanding of how OM work takes place, through study of practice, praxis and practitioners.
de-Margerie, V. and Jiang, B. (2011), "How relevant is OM research to managerial practice? An empirical study of top executives’ perceptions", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 124-147.
MacCarthy B.L., Lewis M., Voss C.A. and Narasimhan R. (2013), "The same old methodologies? Perspectives on OM research in the post-lean age", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 934-956.
Vaara, E. and Whittington, R. (2012), "Strategy-as-practice: Taking social practices seriously", The Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 285-336.
(1) This section is adapted from MacCarthy et al. (2013)
Chair: Janet Godsell
- Keynote on Teaching in OM: Nigel Slack.
- TCH-01: “Enhancing the Appropriateness of Supply Network Decisions through System Dynamics Modeling – a Teaching Case Based on Multiple Cross-linked Supply Chain Parties” by Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki and Gerald J. Aschauer.
- TCH-02: “Benchmarking operations management education in the European Union”, by J. M. Vilas-Boas da Silva and Vanessa Leandro
- TCH-03: “Using self and peer assessment in the teaching of supply chain management”, by Jelena V. Vlajic
- TCH-04: “Student perceptions of the course Corporate Social Responsibility in the global supply chain”, by John K. Visich
- Conclusion Keynote: Janet Godsell.
- WORKSHOP: The role of ‘play’ in teaching leadership in an Operations Management context, by Mairi MacIntyre.
SPECIAL SESSION: Meet the Editors
Chair: Roberto Filippini (University of Padua)
Panellists: Alessandro Ancarani (Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management); Steve Brown (International Journal of Operations and Production Management); Lisa Ellram (Journal of Supply Chain Management); Patrik Jonsson (International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management); Bart MacCarthy (International Journal of Production Economics); Jan Olhanger (Operations Management Research); Aleda Roth (POM Journal).
WORKSHOP on Social Media in OM and EurOMA
Chairs: Torbjørn Netland, Matteo Kalschmidt, Nina Edh.
Invited speakers: To be decided.
Description: In this session the panellists will present the EurOMA Social Media Strategy and discuss how OM researchers can leverage Social Media to improve teaching, networking and outreach.
Main Conference: 22-24 June 2014 Doctoral Seminar: 20-21 June 2014 Publishing Workshop: 21 June 2014 Young Scholars Workshop: 22 June 2014 Welcome Reception: 22 June 2014 Conference Dinner: 23 June 2014 Optional Plant Tours: 25 June 2014 |
Preliminary Call for Papers: 1 October 2013 Registration Open: 5 November 2013 Deadline for Abstract submissions: 7 January 2014 Notification of Acceptance: 25 February 2014 Submission of Final Papers: 15 April 2014, midnight Early Bird and Author Registration Deadline: 15 April 2014, midnight Conference: 20-25 June 2014 |
Keynote Speakers
Robert Handfield, PhD
Rob Handfield is the Bank of America University Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management at North Carolina State University, and Director of the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative (http://scm.ncsu.edu). He also serves as Faculty Lead for the Manufacturing Analytics group within the International Institute of Analytics, and is on the Faculty for Operations Research Curriculum at NC State University.
Handfield is the Consulting Editor of the Journal of Operations Management, and is the author of several books on supply chain management, the most recent being Biopharmaceutical Supply Chains, Supply Market Intelligence, Supply Chain Re-Design and Introduction to Supply Chain Management (Prentice Hall, 1999, 25,000 copies sold, and translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). He recently led a global study on Global Logistics Trends and Strategies for BVL International in 2013, as well as a report entitled Future Buy: The Future of Procurement published by KPMG.
Handfield received the Emerald Citation of Excellence award in 2011 and in 2013; he is regularly quoted in blogs and global news media such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Spend Matters, Microsoft Live, Ariba Live, Inc., CIO, CFO, the Supply Chain Management Review, and other media.
Handfield has consulted with over 25 Fortune 500 companies, including Biogen Idec, Caterpillar, John Deere, GlaxoSmithKline, Boston Scientific, Delphi, Chevron, British Petroleum, Chevron Phillips, Bank of America, Sensata, KPMG, Lyondell Chemical, Conoco Phillips, Federal Express, SAP, and others. He has published more than 100 articles in top management journals including California Management Review, Sloan Management Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Operations Management, and Decision Sciences.
Massimo Vian – Luxottica - Chief Operations Officer
Massimo Vian (http://www.luxottica.com/en/meet-massimo-vian) is Chief Operations Officer of Luxottica.
With net sales of more than Euro 7.3 billion in 2013, over 70,000 employees and a strong global presence, Luxottica is a leader in the design, manufacture, distribution and sales of premium, luxury and sports eyewear.
Massimo joined Luxottica in 2005 as Head of Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
Since January 2007 he moved to China in the role of Asia Operations Director.
In May 2010 he came back to Italy in the role of Chief Operations Officer with direct responsibility of R&D and Engineering, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Logistics of the Group.
Before joining Luxottica, Massimo was in charge of Industrial Engineering in Key Safety Systems. He worked in England for EFESO consulting and NACCO Materials Handling.
Massimo holds a Management Engineering degree from the University of Padova.
Please click here for a short presentation of Luxottica Group:
Conference Programme
Opening Cerimony Programme
Closign Cerimony Programme
Instructions for Paper Presentation at EurOMA2014
Thank-you for submitting your paper for presentation at the upcoming EurOMA 2014 Conference in Palermo. We have been working hard over the past few months to bring together the conference programme and appreciate your contribution to it.
Below you will find some useful information to ensure that presenting at EurOMA 2014 is an enjoyable and beneficial experience for all.
The Conference Venue
The EurOMA 2014 Conference will take place in the building Complesso Didattico,
Università degli Studi di Palermo (UniPa), Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 19.
The Conference Venue map is available on the conference website.
Audio Visual Equipment
Each room in the building Complesso Didattico contains the following equipment:
- Screen
- Dual projection
- PC
- Monitor
- Wi-Fi
Please bring your presentation on a USB pen. Your presentation should be 16:9 ratio format. Software installed on the PC is for standard office set up (Office 2003). It will not be possible for you to use your own laptop.
You are required to copy your presentation from your USB pen to the computer in the classroom. In doing this you will be assisted by our personnel.
Time Keeping
Please ensure that you are punctual for your presentation time slot. The conference programme is extensive, featuring 402 papers in 134 parallel sessions. So, keeping to schedule is essential.
Presenters should meet with their Session Chair in the scheduled room 10 minutes before the start of the session to upload their presentation. There will be technicians and student volunteers on site at all times to assist with any technical difficulties or to help as necessary. If you anticipate needing assistance of this kind, please contact a member of the EurOMA team at the Registration Desk in advance. The Registration Desk is located at the same floor of parallel sessions’ rooms in the building Complesso Didattico.
Presentation slots are 30 minutes per paper (including changing time of presenters). The general rule is to use 20 minutes for each presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion. We have instructed Session Chairs to be strict with time keeping, ensuring the timely running of the sessions and the Conference.
Time Keeping Cards
Each session chair has a set of time keeping cards, which they will use to communicate with presenters to keep the sessions on time.
- A yellow card indicates that you have 5 minutes of presenting time left;
- The first red card indicates it’s time to move on to questions;
- A second red card indicates that the presentation time is finished.
The Conference Programme and General Information
Please check the programme on the EurOMA2014 website to make sure that you know where and when you are scheduled to present.
A general information email for all delegates will be issued one week prior to the conference so keep a look out for it. It will contain practical travel information and tips to help you to make the most out of your visit to Palermo. If you have any queries please contact registration@euroma2014italy.org
We look forward to welcoming you to Palermo. Have a good trip!
Giovanni Perrone & Manfredi Bruccoleri
EurOMA 2014 Conference Chair and Vice Chair
Full Papers
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Scientific programme
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Conference planning and dates
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Full paper submission and Conference registration
Use this section to register at EurOMA 2014 Conference and to submit your Full Paper