Registration and Fees
Page Layouts & Modules
Shortcode manager
SEO Optimized
Customize Libra
Advanced features
Sample data
Support and Videotutorials
Organizing Committee
The conference organisation would be coordinated by the Operations Management researchers of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo. The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is a consolidated cultural, scientific and teaching presence in central-western Sicily. Its 12 Faculties and 21 Departments cover the most important domains of contemporary scientific and technological knowledge. About 130 courses (bachelor and master courses) are yearly offered as well as 90 PhD courses, targeted to the training of specific professional figures, often in cooperation with external institutions and companies - a galaxy of 65,000 students). The OM research group of the University of Palermo is composed by
- Giovanni Perrone, Director of the Management Engineering School of the University of Palermo (Conference Chair).
- Manfredi Bruccoleri, University of Palermo (Conference Vice-Chair).
- Giovanna Lo Nigro, University of Palermo.
- Mario Enea, University of Palermo
- Giuseppe Aiello, University of Palermo
- Paolo Roma, University of Palermo
- Erica Mazzola, University of Palermo
Scientific Committee
Last name |
First name |
Affiliation/University |
Acur | Nuran | University of Strathclyde |
Adamides | Emmanuel | University of Patras |
Åhlström | Pär | Stockholm School of Economics |
Ambrose | Eamonn | UCD |
Ashayeri | Jalal | Tilburg University |
Bengtsson | Lars | University of Gävle |
Betts | Teresa | Murray State University |
Bhakoo | Vikram | University of Melbourne |
Bititci | Umit | University of Strathclyde |
Boer | Harry | Aalborg University |
Brandon-Jones | Alistair | Manchester Business School |
Brennan | Louis | Trinity College |
Bruccoleri | Manfredi | Università degli Studi di Palermo |
Cagliano | Raffaella | Politecnico di Milano |
Caniato | Federico | Politecnico di Milano |
Chaudhuri | Atanu | Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow |
Childerhouse | Paul | Massey |
Coughlan | Paul | TCD |
Danese | Pamela | University of Padova |
de Leeuw | Sander | VU University Amsterdam |
Deflorin | Patricia | University of Zurich |
Demeter | Krisztina | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Disney | Stephen | Cardiff University |
Doran | Des | University of Sussex |
Dukovska-Popovska | Iskra | Aalborg University |
Fabbe-Costes | Nathalie | Cret-Log- Aix-Marseille University |
Farooq | Sami | Aalborg University |
Ferdows | Kasra | Georgetown University |
Filippini | Roberto | University of Padova |
Forza | Cipriano | University of Padova |
Fransoo | Jan | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Framinan | Jose Manuel | University of Seville |
Fynes | Brian | UCD |
Garavelli | Claudio | Politecnico di bari |
Giannoccaro | Ilaria | Politecnico di Bari |
Gimenez | Cristina | ESADE Business School |
Gobbi | Chiara | Copenhagen Business School |
Godsell | Janet | Cranfield |
Golini | Ruggero | Università degli Studi di Bergamo |
Größler | Andreas | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Grunow | Martin | Technische Universität München |
Hargaden | Vincent | University College Dublin |
Heaslip | Graham | National University of Ireland Maynooth |
Hendry | Linda | Lancaster University |
Holmström | Jan | Aalto University |
Holweg | Matthias | Cambridge |
Hopkins | John | Victoria University |
Hsuan | Juliana | Copenhagen Business School |
Humphreys | Paul | University of Ulster |
Jayaram | Jayanth | University of South Carolina |
Jenei | István | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Johansson | Mats | Chalmers |
Jonsson | Patrik | Chalmers University of Technology |
Kalchschmidt | Matteo | Università degli Studi di Bergamo |
Karlsson | Christer | Copenhagen Business School |
Keegan | Richard | Trinity College Dublin |
Klassen | Robert | Western University |
Koulikoff-Souviron | Marie | Skema Business School |
Kumar | Maneesh | Cardiff University |
Lawson | Benn | University of Cambridge |
Lewis | Michael | University of Bath |
MacBryde | Jill | Strathclyde Business School |
Machuca | Jose A.D. | University of Seville |
Marshall | Donna | University College Dublin |
Maylor | Harvey | Cranfield University |
MacCarthy | Bart | University of Nottingham |
McAdam | Rodney | University of Ulster |
McIvor | Ronan | University of Ulster |
Mendibil | Kepa | University of Strathclyde |
Miemczyk | Joe | Audencia Nantes |
Neely | Andy | University of Cambridge |
New | Steve | Oxford University |
Olhager | Jan | Lund University |
Oraiopoulos | Nektarios | Cambridge University |
O'Reilly | Seamus | UCC - University College Cork |
Nassimbeni | Guido | Università degli Studi di Udine |
Pagell | Mark | University College Dublin |
Palcic | Iztok | University of Maribor |
Perrone | Giovanni | Universita' degli Studi di Palermo |
Pires | Silvio | Methodist University of Piracicaba |
Platts | Ken | Cambridge |
Power | Damien | The University of Melbourne |
Prester | Jasna | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Bussiness and Economics |
Radnor | Zoe | Loughborough University |
Ramanathan | Usha | University of Bedfordshire |
Ribera | Jaume | IESE Business School |
Roden | Sinéad | University of Bath |
Romano | Pietro | University of Udine, |
Rudberg | Martin | Linköping University |
Ryan | Jennifer | RPI - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Salgado-Pinto | Sofia | Catholic University of Portugal |
Scavarda | Annibal | Unisinos - University of the Sinos Valley |
Scherrer | Maike | Universityof St. Gallen |
Scholten | Kirstin | University of Groningen |
Selviaridis | Kostas | Lund University |
Seuring | Stefan | University of Kassel |
Sheu | Chwen | Kansas State University |
Singh | Prakash | University of Melbourne |
Slepniov | Dmitrij | Aalborg University, Center for Industrial Production |
Sousa | Rui | Catholic University of Portugal (Porto) |
Spina | Gianluca | Politecnico di Milano |
Spinler | Stefan | WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management |
Spring | Martin | Lancaster University Management School |
Squire | Brian | University of Bath |
Steenhuis | Harm-Jan | Eastern Washington University |
Stevenson | Mark | Lancaster University |
Stratton | Roy | Nottingham Trent University |
Strohhecker | Jürgen | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management |
Tachizawa | Elcio | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Taylor | Margaret | University of Bradford |
Taylor | Andrew | University of Bradford |
Thorstenson | Anders | Aarhus University |
Van der Vaart | Taco | University of Groningen |
Van Donk | Dirk Pieter | University of Groningen |
Vanpoucke | Evelyne | Maastricht University |
Vereecke | Ann | Vlerick Business School |
Vinelli | Andrea | University of Padova |
Vos | Bart | Tilburg University |
Voss | Chris | Wawick Business School |
Waehrens | Brian | Aalborg University |
Walker | Helen | Cardiff University |
Wänström | Carl | Chalmers University of Technology |
Wemmerlov | Urban | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Wiengarten | Frank | ESADE |
Wong | Chee Yew | Leeds University Business School |
Wynstra | Finn | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University |
Conference Fees
The conference fee includes:
- Admission to all scientific sessions
- Registration package and proceedings
- Conference dinner
- Welcome reception
- Lunches & refreshments *
*Please advise of any special dietary requirements when you register online (vegetarian, vegan, halal, nut allergy, etc...). This will allow us to cater to your needs.
In order to benefit from the member fee, you must be a fully-paid EurOMA member for 2014. For those registering as non-members, the fee includes membership to EurOMA for the rest of 2014 only, not the following year. Participation in the company visits is charged separately.
Members of EurOMA: 500 €
Non Members of EurOMA: 620 €
Fees from 11th May 2014 onwards:
Members of EurOMA: 620 €
Non Members of EurOMA: 720 €
Student Registration To qualify for the student rate, written proof of your status is required. A letter signed by the person responsible for the programme at your university or your supervisor, or a copy of your valid student card should be sent to the event organisers at xxxx@xxxx.org
Student Members of EurOMA: 400 €
Student non Members of EurOMA: 520 €
Fees from 11th May 2014 onwards:
Members of EurOMA: 520 €
Non Members of EurOMA: 620 €
Doctoral Seminar Registration Only accepted students can register and attend the Doctoral Seminar. Registration should be done through the conference registration page. More information on this will be provided soon.
Company visit The company visits are currently being finalised. Information on them will be provided soon. All registrations made prior to this information being made available can be updated with chosen tours at a later date. You will be notified by email when the tours become available to book.
Early Registration Conditions All early registration fees must be paid in full by the end of the early registration date of 10th May 2014. Unpaid registrations after this date will be converted to the relevant late fee structure.
Cancellation If you cannot attend the conference, you may transfer your registration to another member of your organization. Notification of cancellation or transfer must be given in writing to the event organisers at xxxx@xxxx.com Cancellations made before 20 May 2014 will be charged at €60 for administrative costs. We regret that no refunds can be made for any cancellation received after 21 May 2014. The organisers reserve the right to charge for any accommodation or meals not taken.
A lot of different page layouts that you can use. You can have a page with left sidebar, with right sidebar or full width (without sidebar). We included also this layouts:
- 9 portfolio layouts (included a filterable portfolio, a nice javascript portfolio and a "pinterest style" portfolio)
- 2 project detail page layouts: with image on the left and content on the right side or with the image on the top and content below the image.
- 4 testimonials page layouts: chose your favorite testimonials style (you can also use the nice U-grid slider to show your testimonials!)
- 6 blog layouts: big or small image, elegant style, pinterest style and so on.
- 3 "about" pages: chose your favorite design to show your team (you can also use the nice U-grid slider to show your team!)
- 2 contact pages: with or without google map on the top panel.
Use the blog, services, portfolio and videos modules to insert in each page your articles, your services boxes, your portfolio projects and your videos. You can set how many items to show, turn on/off the featured article and so on.
200+ shortcodes to customize your pages
In Libra we included 200+ shortcodes ready to use in your pages. You can chose from sliders, video shortcodes, tables, text columns, icons, 500+ colorful buttons, call to actions and so on. With the powerful shortcode manager you have only to click on the "Y" button in your editor and insert the shortcode you want to insert in the page. Quick and easy. In this way you can also add testimonials shortcodes, portfolio shortcodes and so on in each page and in each position inside the page. A great way to create your custom design mixing shortcodes and modules.
Improve the SEO of your site using the special SEO panels availables in the theme. You can enter keyword and other meta for your site in the theme options panel and in each page, in the special "SEO" panel:
Full Customizable Theme
Unlimited colors options
In the theme panel you can set a custom color for each element of the site: text, slogans, titles, links, header background, footer background and so on.
Background uploader
You can upload a different background image for each page and post of your site. Chose from 50+ backgrounds and patterns to customize the theme or upload your custom background.
Header and Footer background
Upload a background image or set a different background color for your header and footer.
Chose from 300+ google fonts to customize the typography of each area of the site like navigation menu, paragraphs, titles, slogan and so on. You can also use the web-safe fonts, like Georgia, Times new roman and so on if you don't like to use the Google fonts.
Animated Banners: Create unlimited animated banners and customize each banner with different colors, text, icons and so on.
Unlimited features tab: This is a features tab. And you can create unlimited tabs with custom icons and content. You can also put shortcodes inside this tab!
Popup window: To show your offers or your news, to show a newsletter form and so on. You can turn on/off the lightbox and customize the popup content.
Filterable FAQS Create a nice FAQ page with unlimited FAQ categories and chose if display different categories in different pages or if use the javascript filters.
Customizable 404 error page Customize your 404 error page uploading a nice error image, editing the text and so on. You can also set a sidebar for this page or turn on/off the search form.
After the purchase, in our support forum you can download the sample data of our demo, that you can easily import in your wordpress to make your site like our live preview in just 5 minutes. After this, it's very easy and quick edit the pages and replace our content with your content!
After the purchase, in our support forumyou can watch a lot of videotutorials that can help you to set up the theme. Also, if you need support, open a topic and ask help to our stunning developers: they will reply in max 24h.